Saturday 3 December 2011

BLAST from the Past #003

ATV Games. I've worked on many, 
from character modeller to concept artist to Lead Character Artist. 
I'd be happy to never do another. 
Here's an example of all the games from 
ATV Offroad Fury Extreme (or something) to
ATV Allstars, that blended into Pure when we became a Disney owned studio. 
Lastly there is some Pure2 concepts, not to be, but had massive potential.




 PURE2 PreProduction:


devin platts said...

you're such a beast.

i love your work:#

Nevena Nikolcheva NEN said...

massive ... as usual :) love it :) as usual :)

Tom Scholes said...

my hero !

Andreas said...

LOVE your figurework, you're a big inspiration to a fellow illustrator here. I'd pay a small fortune to see some figure roughs...

jake gumbleton said...

Splendid work, I love how you pushed those body types in the last few batches of characters, your stuff is so continuously fresh!

Eytan Zana said...

incredible work man! Wonderful designs!

Mark said...

Epic post. Such good work.

Unknown said...

so much inspiration all in one place

calumalexanderwatt said...

devin platts: cheers man!

NEN: thankyou!

Tom: ahh shit man.

Andreas: the greyscales are the roughs. Thanks.

Jake: cheers man!

Eytan Zana: thank you SIR!

Mark: cheers Mark!

Raghavendra: many thanks.