Tuesday 3 May 2011

Sketch Page... sort of....

Just trying some stuff.

and some recommended listening for L'Homme D'Argile:


Anonymous said...

love the design!!

Anonymous said...

Hi; I don't know if its written that way on purpose? If not it should be: "L'homme d'argile est mort" ("morte" is the feminine of dead/ "c'est" means "it is", while "est" means "is") its bonus stuff as you art is, needless to say, amazing and incredibly creative. Thanx for sharing so much ;)

calumalexanderwatt said...

Moski: cheers!

Anonymous: hopefully that's corrected now, seeing as I don't speak French I probably shouldn't use French!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing! Thank you for sharing!

btw. i did a small tribute to you on my blog - http://borilius.blogspot.com/2011/05/small-tribute.html

jake gumbleton said...

awesome stuff mate, you have really evolved since i last checked your stuff out. Really loving the sun drenched aethetic you have going on.

I just heard about black rock. I presume a man of your calibur has been kept on... Hope you are ok mate. When FRD went though the same thing it was such a shitty experience even for thos eof us that were not let go.

I will be following your blog now that I have found it. You are a constant inspiration!

calumalexanderwatt said...

Borilius: too kind! That dude has a wicked mask!

Jake: thanks man, yes, 100 losses leaving behind 40, pretty harsh considering (IMO) we made the best Disney games yet. Looking forward to an exciting future though!