Friday, 15 July 2011

Grab Bag

These were fairly quickly done.
The idea behind the character pieces 
was to show the 'bond' between the 
human and the creature/elemental.
Not much more to say really.


Mark said...

*coolness overload seizure* Too.....awesome....

Omen D4 said...

I'd call it more a pick n mix of superfantabulous.

PAUZAK said...
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calumalexanderwatt said...
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calumalexanderwatt said...

Mark: cheers Mark

Damian: thanks, sorry it all went to the wall...

PauZak: I deleted the WHOLE POST not just your comment.

Unknown said...

Love this!

Zachary said...

The tree guys are awesome! What is this for?

Wouter Bruneel said...

Fantastic stuff! Very fluid and cool looking.

Ben Greene said...

Nice post!

calumalexanderwatt said...

Jake: cheers!

Zachary: that's the last stuff I did for Disney. The last game Blackrock was working on...

Wouter: thanks!

Ben: thankyou!

Daniel Hoang said...

This post blows my mind <3 <3 <3

thank you!
thank you!
thank you!

Orbital Shrimp said...

Wow. This post has blown me away. Amazing design and colors. You're quickly becoming my top 10 favourite artist :).

Rob said...

Fantastic fantastic stuff here. Freaking awesome. :D

Sylvain Coutouly "Slyve" said...

Those are Awesome!!!! Love the idea behind it.

Per Elof Nilsson Ricklund said...

Very nice, this really dug into me and had a finger against my imaginary door, tapping, knock knock...
So what could I do but to open and consume the inspiration.

I really liked the tree elementals, you sir have a beautiful imagination.